Tune in to a new experience

A fantastic piano tuning and repair service in need of a retune representative of their own quality work. Middle C Piano Tuning came to us to help them dust off the keys and bring a little life back into their own brand all while vastly improving the customer experience when using their website and scheduling.




Lead Designer & Developer





Create an improved web experience and brand presence as well as connect it more to the owner.

The reason

Middle C Piano Tuning came to us with an issue of an outdated and rather frustrating user experience in their website. It was difficult to navigate and manage as well as very far from the brand image they wanted to show. It lacked character and didn't feel apart of the business voice. Being very dark and simplistic, the site was not welcoming which is the opposite of the very friendly and welcoming ownership. On top of the visual issues the navigation and mobile friendliness, or lack there of, were clunky and hard to use as well as difficult to manage and update. We started from the ground up to ensure not only that we could refresh the appearance of the site but the structure and management as well. Ensuring ease of use for visitor as well as those maintaining the site. We presented Webflow as the best solution for the client allowing for ease of management on their end and near limitless growth potential as needed.

Scope and approach

Knowing we would be creating a new site from the ground up allowed a bit more freedom in not only the design but layout and structure of the new site. We needed to create a more streamlined navigation and more welcoming homepage. This started by crafting a new site map to organize information into easier to navigate sections and pages as well as pull some popular information to the homepage to promote positive interactions with new prospective clients browsing. With the structure and layout established we could turn our attention to the brand which had already begun a revitalization with new business cards introducing a new color in with the black and white color scheme. The new color was a welcome addition and needed to break up all the white and black. The team at Middle C did fantastic work and documented so much of the ins and outs of their work we knew we needed to showcase some of that media. We wanted to toe a line between and elegant and timeless look with a fun and inviting vibe. Just like a piano we wanted the brand to feel as timeless as it does joyful.


Final Results

We presented two options a very edgy, funky, heavy jazz inspired design and a more elegant pulled back version to show the more elegant side while keeping some of the fun aspects of the edgier side. By keeping the elements simple and utilizing shapes and elements of actual pianos we kept the site from feeling too elegant and unwelcoming to all. Softening the imagery with overlay and adjustment we were able to give Middle C Piano Tuning a unique, professional and welcoming website that will allow them to grow as much as they desire. Not only do they have an improved visual brand but it is intuitive as well for the end user resulting in increased traffic and organic bookings.


The komunity. Just a few of our wonderful clients.

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