Slice into a funky brand concept

A concept crafted to explore the use of gradients and organic shapes. Being big pizza and 90’s fans, a funky fun 90's themed pizza bar felt like the perfect inspiration to explore these concepts. The gradients led the way in inspiring the overall concept along with some iconic textures and patterns all utilized to craft an experience straight out of a time machine.




Lead Designer





Exploring concepts in gradient use, organic shape use, varying patterns and textures.

The reason

This concept was an in house exploration crafted to explore the use of two things. Gradients and organic shapes. Being big fans of eating and making pizza, a funky fun 90's theme pizza bar felt like the perfect concept to explore these. By focusing on gradients and choosing a very distinct theme we knew certain shapes and patterns would be needed to bring the overall design together. Not only did we utilize organic shapes to create a fluid and fun look amongst various sections, but we wanted to use the same concept in the overall flow of the page ensuring it felt organic as well. The project led itself to various other elements of exploration that came into the picture along the journey.

Scope and approach

The overall goal was mostly to create a brand web page that allowed us to really stretch our wings in the use of gradients and organic shapes. We wanted the focus to be on those elements and thus limited the brand and website to a slim single page so that we could create a fun, and approachable brand. The gradients led the way in terms of inspiring this overall concept. A fun simple but clean text logo with a classic gradient straight out of the 90's really set the tone for the entire brand concept. To bring all the 90's feel home, textures, patterns, hard shapes and shadows were all utilized to craft a time machine experience.


Final Results

The overall design really pushed limits and boundaries for the team. We pride ourselves on the simple, clean and structured designs, focusing on details and intuitiveness. With this concept we didn't want lose those qualities but I push them with a broader use of color and unstructured organic elements. The end result of this exploration is a concept that feels very funky and fun and promotes a brand experience ready to become a real brand and location just begging for a visit to grab a slice and take a trip back in time.


The komunity. Just a few of our wonderful clients.

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